Freezing Fresh Veggies


Now that it is the ideal time to start planting your veggie gardens if you haven’t done so already, did you know that you can freeze any produce that you can’t use right away?

Once your plants start to flourish with your favorite vegetables or fruits, there tends to be an overload which is usually too much to eat at one time. Instead of letting them spoil or giving all unused produce away, you can just freeze it for later use!

Last year, I ended up with more tomatoes and jalapeno peppers than I knew what to do with. I boiled some of the tomatoes down to make a marinara sauce, added a few extra ingredients, sealed them in a mason jar, and froze them for use all year long. This was perfect for cold winter nights, I just cooked some pasta and topped with a homemade garden fresh marinara sauce. The jalapenos were even easier, I washed and tossed them into a sandwich baggy then into the freezer they went. I still actually have a few left that I do plan on using soon.

This trick can also be done with any fresh herbs, just wash, dry well, and freeze!

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